28 8月 2022




In Sima Yuan’s paintings, “the existence of all living beings” and “the form of time” are recurrent contents. Some images that seem to be gods, elves, humans, animals, and ghosts are involved in the torrent of time and space, superimposed with fragments of her personal life, making no distinction between each other, neither created nor destroyed. It seems that the strokes developed by her intuition are not “drawn”, but “found” on the medium. For her, the tools and objects used in painting are all temporary and dispensable. Only “painting” and “seeing” are permanent.

“无题”,布面油画棒、丙烯、喷墨,65x90cm, 2022
“Untitled”, oilstick,acrylic and giclee print on canvas, 65x90cm, 2022

“无题”,布面油画棒、喷墨,65x90cm, 2022
“Untitled”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 65x90cm, 2022

“精进”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“Diligence”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“无题”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“Untitled”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“实相”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“The Absolute Reality”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“布施”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“Alms”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“空生妙有”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“Boost”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“识”,布面油画棒、喷墨,50x70cm, 2022
“Vijnana”, oilstick and giclee print on canvas, 50x70cm, 2022

“摩尼珠”,布面油画棒、丙烯,80x80cm, 2022
“Mani”, oilstick and acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之一”,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.1”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之二”,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.2”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之三”,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.3”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之四”,布面油画棒、丙烯,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.4”, oilstick and acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之五”,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.5”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“轮回之六”,布面油画棒、油彩、纸拼贴,80x80cm, 2022
“Samsara No.6”, oilstick,oil and paper collage on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“五种祝福”,布面油画棒、丙烯,80x80cm, 2022
“Five Blessings”, oilstick and acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

“极乐”,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Nirvana”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

无题,布面油画棒,80x80cm, 2022
“Untitled”, oilstick on canvas, 80x80cm, 2022

众生之舞,布面油画棒,40x60cm, 2022
“Dance of all living beings”, oilstick, oil and acrylic on canvas, 40x60cm, 2022

一切都在煮沸, 纸上油画棒和铅笔,26x37cm,2021
“Everything is Boiling”, oilstick and pencil on paper, 26x37cm, 2021

“Everything is Swinging”, oilstick and pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Everything is Chewing”, oilstick and pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Everything is Freezing”, oilstick and pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Untitled”, oilstick and pencil on paper, 37x26cm,2021

“Creatures No.2”, colored pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Creatures No.1” , colored pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Blessings No.1”, colored pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Blessings No.2”, colored pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

“Blessings No.3”, colored pencil on paper, 26x37cm,2021

(Exhibition View)

此时, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm , 2018
“This Moment”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

我们小区, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“Our Community”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm,2018

我的春天, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“My Spring”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

戛然而止, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“Stop”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

诗, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“Poem”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

梦见, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“In a Dream”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

两清了, 布面马克笔, 40x85cm, 2018
“It’s Settled”, marker on canvas, 40x85cm, 2018

(Exhibition View)

“White Crucifixion”, pencil on paper,25x16cm,2017

“Growth track of time No.1”, colored pencil on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

“Growth track of time No.2”, colored pencil on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

“Growth track of time No.3”,  colored pencil on paper ,25x16cm,2017

“A Subject and the Problems inside”, colored pencil on paper,25x16cm, 2017

一个主体和它里面的问题 之二,纸上彩铅,25x16cm,2017
“A Subject and the Problems inside No.2”, colored pencil on paper,  25x16cm,2017

别闹啦 , 纸上彩铅,16 x 25cm,2017
“Come On”, colored pencil on paper, 16 x 25cm, 2017

绿色受难图,纸本彩铅, 25x16cm, 2017
“Green Crucifixion”, colored pencil on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

呼吸, 纸上彩铅,25x16cm,2017
“Respire”, colored pencil on paper, 25x16cm,2017

“Organic No.1”, 2017, colored pencil and marker on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

“Organic No.2”, 2017,colored pencil and marker on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

“Organic No.3”, colored pencil and marker on paper, 25x16cm, 2017

“Organic No.5”, pencil on paper, 25x16cm,2017

“Organic No.6”, colored pencil on paper,25x16cm,2017

有机之八 ,纸上彩铅,16x25cm,2017
“Organic No.8”,  colored pencil on paper , 16x25cm,2017

“Ascending”, colored pencil on paper, 25x16cm,2017

“Sunday Afternoon”, colored pencil on paper, 2017

一点疼, 纸上铅笔,25x16cm,2017
“A Little Pain”, pencil on paper ,25x16cm,2017

一点疼 之二, 纸上铅笔,25x16cm,2017
“A Little Pain No.2”, pencil on paper ,25x16cm,2017

众生, 纸上铅笔和马克笔,25x16cm,2017
“Beings”, pencil on paper ,25x16cm,2017

琥珀堡 ,数码版画,3/6 .90x60cm,2016
“Amber Fort”, digital print, 3/6, 90x60cm,2016

檀香 ,数码版画,2/6 ,60x45cm,2016
“Sandalwood”, digital print, 2/6, 60x45cm,2016

能 ,数码版画,1/6 .90x60cm,2016
“Be”, digital print, 1/6, 90x60cm,2016

年 ,数码版画,1/6 .90x45cm,2016
“Age” , digital print, 1/6, 90x45cm,2016

(Exhibition View)