Flighting Words / 流言
28 8月 2022


司马源关注每天社交网络(微信)上的文本生成,她认为这是一种存在于不同时空之间的文本对话,她诗中的每一个分行都取自一个不同的人发的朋友圈文本。然后她将这些文本重构,形成诗。可以说她以 “挪用”现成句子的方式消除了网络文本被快速遗忘和丢弃的命运。也可以说,她发明了另一种写诗的方式。那些原本不可能相互邂逅的网络文本碎片,在她的诗中相遇并被重新激活,形成了全新的语义和语境。《流言》系列就是这样一个关系到日常生活的表达与重塑的作品。在没有任何视觉化呈现的作品中,那些不存在的图像却在文本获取中得到充分显现。她将文字与生活轻松地沉浸在对当代文明和传统价值的审判中。

Flighting Words

Sima Yuan pays attention to the generation of texts on the social network (WeChat) every day. She believes that it’s a kind of dialogue that exists between different time and space. Each line in her poem is taken from a text posted on “moments” by a different person. She collects these texts and then reconstructs them into poems. It can be said that she has eliminated the fate of the texts which will be quickly forgotten and discarded, by “appropriating” ready-made sentences. It can also be said that she invented another way of writing poetry. Fragments of online texts that would otherwise be impossible to meet are met and reactivated in her poems, forming entirely new semantics and contexts. The Flighting Words series is such a work related to the expression and reconstruction of daily life. Although there is no visual representation, those non-existent images are fully revealed in the process of text acquisition. She immersed texts and life effortlessly in the trial of contemporary civilization and traditional values.

“Mr.McDreamy”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“Caution Please, with Flat Sharing Between Me and You”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“再见了,草场地”,纸上打字,40x30cm, 2019
“Goodbye, Caochangdi”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“地球最后一个夜晚”,纸上打字,42x30cm, 2019
“The Last Evening on Earth”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“我喜欢的不是火焰,而是爆炸”,纸上打字,42x30cm, 2019
“It Is Not the Flame That I Fancy, It Is the Explosion”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“这位同志你醒醒”,纸上打字,42x30cm, 2019
“Wake Up, Comrade”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“我决定不再长岁数了”,纸上打字,42x30cm, 2019
“I Decide to Stop Aging”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

“有需要的拿去”,纸上打字,42x30cm, 2019
“Take It If You Need It”,typewriting on paper, 42x30cm, 2019

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